Fusing liberty-based idealism with effective techniques to move decision-makers

Brian has served in a variety of capacities for five United States Senators, in think tanks, and in the lobbying world for over two decades. Brian worked for a public relations firm for two years after leaving his job with Sr. Communications Director and Counsel for Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky. Prior to his time with Paul, he spent 7 years at The Heritage Foundation.
Brian is a frequent guest on television and talk radio and has conducted hundreds of interviews in outlets such as Fox News, Fox Business, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC and the Washington Post. He has also written columns for Breitbart, Townhall, and The Observer, among other large platforms widely read by libertarians and conservatives.
Darling is somebody who has thrived under the pressure of working for a high-profile Republican in the months up to his run for president and has put together deep-dive white paper studies for the nation's largest conservative think tank. He is unique in that he has lived in both the legislative and public relations worlds and thrived in both.
If you are interested in an integrated campaign designed to win and the issue is consistent with liberty, unfettered free markets, and a record of achievement, then Brian Darling is your guy.

Liberty Government Affairs has years of experience in public affairs, conservative outreach, and lobbying. The firm’s expertise is in convincing reporters and opinion leaders to write and talk about your issue. We also have the connections needed to lobby the Liberty/Conservative movement and motivate activists to rally behind you when interests align. While lobbying Capitol Hill is conducted by hundreds of firms on K Street and throughout D.C., our firm has a special connection to the most libertarian and conservative members of both chambers.